Seedy Crackers

by | Sep 29, 2017

Crunch! Everybody loves a good crunchy nibbly. It seems so satisfying and if it’s healthy, it’s all the better. Ever since I can remember I have loved crunchy things~ the toasted crusty bits of any kind of food like celery, only the outside crusty bits of that very rare croissant,  nuts of all kinds…you name it, if it’s crunchy I am drawn to it.  So, instead of avoiding crackers (because I don’t usually eat grains), I can now indulge with these little crunchy bites.

I have a hard time keeping these crackers stocked in our house because they are so popular. They take just a few minutes to put together and bake at a lower temperature for nearly an hour.  Make sure to use organic seeds and psyllium husks, when possible, which will make this way better for you.

The beauty of making your own crackers is that you can cut them the sizes you want to tailor them to your needs. I often cut them smaller so they last longer around here.

It is a great snack to eat alone or pare with almond butter, cheese, nut cheese, smashed Avo or use on a cheese meat veggie board.

Now bake for 25-30 minutes. Remove and cut into desired sizes.

Pop back into the oven for 20 minutes. Now flip the crackers over with the baking paper stuck to them and peel off the paper.

Bake about 5-8 minutes more or until crunchy. I break them apart for more even cooking. Sometimes I just turn off the oven to cool, leaving the crackers to cool and crisp in the oven.

Seedy Crackers

1 cup purified water

1 Tbl. Psyllium Husks, slightly mounded

3/4 cup Sunflower Seeds

1/3 cup white or black Sesame Seeds (I used organic black sesame seeds)

3 Tbl. Flax Seeds

1/2 tsp. Pink Himalayan Salt (plus extra to sprinkle on the top)

Preheat oven to 160C/325F

1.  In a mixing bowl or large glass Pyrex measure, add all the ingredients. Stir and let sit for about 15 minutes until the mixture is well thickened.

2.  Lay a piece of baking paper on the length of  your cookie sheet. Place the seed mixture on the center of the baking paper and spread it slightly with a spatula or back of a spoon into a rectangle. Top with another piece of baking paper.

3. Using a rolling pin, roll out the seed cracker mix evenly to the edges of the baking paper.

4.  Starting at one end, carefully peel back the top parchment baking paper to remove it.

5.  Sprinkle with a little more salt over the top and then pop it into a 160C/325F oven.

6.  Bake 25-30 minutes till firm,  but not too crunchy. Remove from oven and cut into desired size & shape using a pizza cutter or knife. Return to oven and bake an another 20 mins.

7.  Remove from oven and flip the baking paper over with the crackers stuck on it. Gently peel the paper off.  Check to test doneness. If not crunchy return to the oven an additional 5 mins. Cool and store in an airtight plastic bag or container.

Note: I often lower the temperature  of the oven to preserve the integrity of the seeds. If you choose to do that you will just need to bake them longer. The healthiest way to make these would be to use a dehydrator which would keep them raw, but seeing as I do not own one of these I try to bake them at as low of a temp as possible.

Warmly Yours, Jeanenne

Foodie Mama



Revive and Restore Nutrition Owner

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