Nourishing  Hot Chocolate 

by | Aug 24, 2017

It’s winter in South Africa now, yep~ winter in August down here which means it’s cold and rainy. I don’t mind the rainy days when I can stay in, but man it’s cold when I have to brave the rain, umbrella and 75 stairs to even get to my car in the garage!  We didnt have any indoor heating at all until this year when we put in a wood stove that heats one room. So, a hot water bottle and hot drink is my go-to in order to help warm up. That and a blanket!

I have to say that my all time fav is a cup of green tea, but every once in a while I want another kind of hot drink…like hot chocolate! The thing is, i just look longingly at hot chocolate and lattes knowing that I can’t compromise my health for those things and especially hot cocoa. Last week I found an alternative healthy hot cocoa mix at a healthfood store that was actually…well, healthy. Once I tried it I decided to experiment and come up with my own cup of goodness according to my own tastes.

I hope you will like what I came up with. This is certainly not your grandma’s hot cocoa! There is just a hint of spice from the cayenne, so not truly spicy.  The black pepper is in it because it’s needed for your body to absorb the turmeric.  Mesquite is actually known as a white carob. It has Protein, calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron and zinc. This is a naturally sweet food. Maca is a root vegetable that is an adaptive now that helps the body adapts to help support your body’s metabolism. As you can see the superfoods in this hot chocolate actual nourish  instead of deplete you.

I tend to like things more savory,  so this can be made with or without a sweetener. Even without a sweetener, it tastes rich, satisfying and chocolately. Using all organic ingredients when possible is best and adds nutritional value to this cozy, heart-warming mug of liquid chocolate goodness.

Nourishing Hot Chocolate 

1 Tbl Raw Cacao

1 tsp. Maca Powder

1/2 tsp. Mesquite Powder

1/4 tsp. Cinnamon

pinch-1/8 tsp. Cayenne to taste

1/2 tsp. Turmeric

pinch of Black Pepper

pinch Himalayan Salt 

1 1/2 Tbl coconut milk powder OR 1/2-1 cup milk of your choice.

Optional: 1-2 tsp raw honey or another sweetener to taste

Place all dry ingredients in a mug. Boil water and stir into the dry ingredients. May sweeten to taste. If using canned coconut milk, almond milk or any other milk, heat milk in a small sauce pan on medium heat till desired temperature. Put the dry ingredients into a mug. Add the hot milk. Pour into a favorite mug to enjoy.

Warmly yours,  Jeanenne

Foodie Mama



Revive and Restore Nutrition Owner

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  1. Chris

    This sounds wonderful! A great way to get cayenne and turmeric in, too! Cold weather is just around the corner for me. I look forward to giving it a try!

    • jeanennehilliard

      Hey Chris! I Hope you like this…it’s great if you can find the powdered organic coconut milk bkz you will always have it on hand. It’s low carb too:)