Easy Grain-Free Scones

Easy Grain-Free Scones

I’m back with another scone recipe! This time it’s the promised low carb grain-free version. You can have the pleasure of eating scones,  but without the health issues that grains cause in some people and they are lower in carbs. For me, I’m so...
Nourishing  Hot Chocolate 

Nourishing  Hot Chocolate 

It’s winter in South Africa now, yep~ winter in August down here which means it’s cold and rainy. I don’t mind the rainy days when I can stay in, but man it’s cold when I have to brave the rain, umbrella and 75 stairs to even get to my car in...
I Love Scones! 

I Love Scones! 

Anyone that knows me knows how much I LOVE scones. It’s kind of like my signature thing to make…and eat.  There’s this place in my heart that just loves England/Great Britain and the whole tea & scone culture from there. That’s how...
Chocolate Protein Balls

Chocolate Protein Balls

Chocolate Protein Balls are quick to make and a yummy afternoon snack  or after dinner treat. I first made something like this when my friend, Gail sent a package to me here in South Africa several years ago. I was so excited to receive a package from home that I...
Chocolate Banana Pudding

Chocolate Banana Pudding

This Chocolate Banana Pudding can fake out even the most avid sweet eater into eating a healthy dessert.  My friend Dan is a big, pretty imposing, Aussie-Figian guy that has a heart as big as the whole of Australia. Just to give you a better picture of him, many...